Ever wondered what your chosen gin says about you? There is a gin for every taste and each distillery has their own unique combination of botanicals that we either love or hate (not sure anyone can hate gin per se, but maybe not all of it will be your cup of tea…). Take our fun test and see what your favourite flavour says about your personality…..
1. You like Nutty/Earthy Gin
People who drink gins which have earthy or nutty notes, such as angelica and orris root, nutmeg, hazelnuts or almond, are often calm and outdoorsy. They enjoy the slightly sweet notes of vanilla, liquorice and honey in their gin. These people are comfortable on their own and enjoy having some ‘me’-time.
BOTTOM LINE: Happy to stand alone in a cool bar sipping their favourite gin.

2. You like Spiced/Warming Gin
A person who enjoys spiced gins is a keen traveller. Their gins are bold with notes of cardamom, anise or curry. Some offer warming flavours of ginger or cinnamon. Their many friends would describe them as worldly, someone who loves to explore and to try new things.
BOTTOM LINE: Will stroll into any bar in the world and demand the best-spiced gins (with the appropriate tonic of course).

3. You like: Citrus/Zesty Gin
Citrusy gins with lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit are preferred by a fierce and on-trend person. They are not afraid of speaking their mind or bossing people around when needed. Sometimes they might express their opinions or offer advice when it is not necessarily being asked. They don’t mean to be mean, and in fact, they have a sweeter side (must be those orange notes…) and they can be very trustworthy friends, people just need to get to know them first.
BOTTOM LINE: Happy to tell the barman how to make their Martini properly!

4. You like: Fruity/Fresh Gin
Fresh and fruity gins with notes of cucumber, mango, peach, pear or apple as preferred by cool and quirky individuals. You don’t feel the need to worry about things too much, you are as cool as cucumber in any situation. People can count on you and they often come to you when they need reassurance or some advice.
BOTTOM LINE: The drink is just part of the show.

5. You like: Fruity/Sweet Gin
If you enjoy sweeter fruity gins and gin liqueurs you are likely to be a girly girl, someone who is open-minded and a little flirty. You laugh a lot and like end shopping sprees with girlfriends with a glass of something pink and fizzy. The ideal gin has jammy notes of cherry, raspberries, sloe or elderberry with a little freshness from rhubarb or melon.
BOTTOM LINE: This girl never drinks alone!

6. You like: Floral Gin
Floral gins with botanicals such as rose, lavender, jasmine or elderflower are in favour of someone creative and sensible. You love delicate floral notes in any form, whether it is a candle at the edge of your bubble bath or in your G&T at the end of a long working day. You have creative hobbies, and you dream of quitting your office job to become a full-time artist.
BOTTOM LINE: You’d love to find a gin to match your perfume…

7. You like: Juniper forward Gin
People who enjoy juniper-heavy gins are elegant and classy. Your gin might also be stronger in ABV. You like to drink Martini’s and have a classic style with a little twist. You have that timeless charm and you’d like everyone to still dress like the cast from Mad Men.
BOTTOM LINE: Your choice of drink is an extension of your outfit and you carry the image perfectly.

8. You like: Herbal Gin
Herbs like rosemary, thyme, basil or mint are often appreciated by people who are calm and friendly. You enjoy long walks and breathing fresh air. You take the lead and encourage others. There might also be notes of heather, spruce or kaffir lime leaves in your gin – anything green really.
BOTTOM LINE: For you, it’s all about the Gin.

Can you recognise yourself from these?
Written by Inka from On the Sauce Again