With a new series of The Crown launching on Netflix we’re in a royal frenzy! To celebrate the second best British institution (after the G&T) we’ve put together a series of royal themed cocktails for you to try out at home. We might not be able to live like royalty, but we can mix a drink even Her Majesty would be proud of!
Gin & Dubonnet
A favourite tipple of Queen Elizabeth, who is said to be partial to this as a nightcap, carrying on a tradition set by her late mother. A refreshingly fruity drink with a slightly bitter edge
25ml Fifty Pounds gin
25ml Debonnet
25ml Campari
Stir in a glass with ice and garnish with an orange segment
Red Snapper
Allegedly one of Prince Edward’s favourite drinks, we’ve substituted vodka for the eminently more British gin. The perfect way to refresh after a raucous night at Balmoral.
50ml Fifty Pounds gin
110ml tomato juice
20ml lemon juice
15ml Worcestershire sauce
3 dashes Tobasco
1tsp horseradish
Stir in a tumbler with ice and pour into a tall glass. Garnish with celery for crunch.
Wet Martini
Prince Charles is said to be partial to a wet martini. An elegant and refined little drink. So simple your housekeeper can take the evening off.
50ml Fifty Pounds gin
25ml dry vermouth
Stir over ice and drain into a coupe. Garnish with a twist of lemon
Gin and Tonic
In many way the ultimate royal drink, beloved by the monarchy for decades and enjoyed by everyone from the Queen Mother to the Duchess of Cambridge. It doesn’t get more English.
50ml Fifty Pounds gin
As if you need telling! Combine in a glass filled with ice and garnish with whatever takes your fancy!

Royal Tea Cocktail
The perfect drink when your garden party rolls into happy hour. Serve in your most delicate teacup or in an iced Old Fashioned glass.
25ml Fifty Pounds gin
Chilled Earl Grey Tea
Splash of lemon juice
1tsp sugar
Lemon wheel to garnish
Combine in a tumbler and pour into an iced glass. Make a large batch of tea and chill in the fridge, ensuring a plentiful supply of cocktails for you and your guests.